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FR Tomlinson Commemorative Lecture



To give due recognition for contributions made to the Agricultural Economics discipline in South Africa.


The Award shall be made to a member of AEASA on the basis of the following criteria:

Contributions as a researcher, extensionist, academic, consultant, businessman or administrator. Contributions over the long term, i.e. at least 10 years of involvement. Contribution of a high standard which is visible to the general public, and especially in the agricultural sector. The recipient of the Award will still be an active participant in the Agricultural Economics discipline.

Procedure :

1 The nomination of the person who delivers the Commemorative Lecture as well as the proposed date and venue of presentation is done by any provincial AEASA Branch/Action Group/Working Group and is submitted to the National Management Committee. The National Management Committee evaluates and endorses or rejects the nomination in terms of the purpose and eligibility and subject to procedure rules two to eight below.

2 After acceptance of the nomination, the date and venue of the Commemorative Lecture must be announced to all members of AEASA within a reasonable time. The announcement and invitations as well as all other arrangements for presentation of the Commemorative Lecture are the responsibility of the involved AEASA Branch/Action Group/Working Group.

3 When no provincial AEASA Branch/Action Group/Working Group submits an application to present the Commemorative Lecture, the responsibility for such presentation remains that of the AEASA Central Action Group*, after consultation with the National Management Committee.

4 The sponsorship of the Medal of Honour by Standard Bank must be acknowledged on all printed programmes; opportunity must be created for appropriate advertisements by Standard Bank, such as banners during the function; a representative of Standard Bank must present the Medal of Honour.

5 Other sponsorships for the Dinner, etc. must as far as possible be obtained, with the understanding that financial support up to a maximum of R2 000 or any other amount as determined from time to time, may be provided by the National Management Committee to the Provincial Organizing Committee.

6 A budget must accompany the request for financial support and financial statements must be provided to the National Management Committee within 90 days after the date of the Commemorative Lecture.

7 The Commemorative Lecture must preferably not be presented in the same quarter as the AEASA Conference.

8 The person who delivers the Commemorative Lecture must preferably not also receive Honorary Membership in the same year.

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